Friday has come around again so I want to keep you guys updated and welcome to 2024!
It’s been a bit of a crazy week here. We’ve got ministries up and running again, the prisons, we’re going to the villages, the neighborhoods, but the students aren’t back just yet they come back on the 13th and classes start again on the 16th. Prayers for the students as they are with their families in the village still and for their travel as they return to school. And that they would continue to grow in the Lord daily.
This week I spent moving from one home on the compound to another. I’m still kind of in that process, trying to get a home set up and trying to get everything set up for the next term. It feels like I’ve done so much work in the last couple days. The 5 days feel like 35 days, ha! Things are moving forward quickly.
Coming up we have a movie night in a couple weeks. We’re getting ready to plan the round table for February. Planning a birthday celebration… there’s a lot coming up, many good outreaches.
Finally, I just want to thank you guys for partnering. Not just one way but mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically… for all the ways that you come alongside and help us to make disciples that can make disciples. God bless you guys and here’s to a great 2024 as we advance the Kingdom together. God bless.

(Pictured: even turkeys need a ride!)

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